New Work

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New work and reinventing organizations

The world we work in has become complex and ever changing, and this should not scare us, but rather be seen as an opportunity. Many organizations and teams are struggling with this complexity, because they are still structured and are being led in the traditional way. The new order of chaos means we need to have flexible structures and empowered employees to adapt to change, react fast and nonetheless be aligned in our actions. We need to be less like a well oiled machine, that does one job well, but can’t change its process overnight, and more like an organic system. More like a flock of birds moving in perfect synchronization as the winds change direction or a predator attacks. There is much we can learn from nature to reinvent our organizations.

An organization is nothing more than a group of people that have come together to fulfill a common mission and reach a common goal. The health of an organization is therefore very much dependent on the health of these members and their inter-connectivity. If we do not fulfill the needs of team members, we have no chance of fulfilling the needs of the organization. Work used to be a way of making money to simply gain physiological needs, but we now need to reinvent the way we work to meet more needs, in order to have engaged and dedicated team members. But what are those needs? Well everyone has the same basic human needs; safety, belonging, self-esteem (respect, achievement, accomplishment, freedom) and self-actualisation (experiencing purpose and achieving one’s full potential). New work is about reinventing the company structure and fostering an internal mindset that ensures these needs are met. Happy team, happy company. Fulfilled employees are resilient, motivated, dedicated, and ready to drive the success of their company.

Fishing Spots

Accompanying a culture transformation

Change is not easy for many people and is known to trigger fear and insecurity in most people. What will happen to me? How will my work be different? Insecurity rarely brings out the best in people, so it’s important to manage a change process with skill and tactfulness. Change is a process and everybody will be better off at the end, but will they endure the process without scars? We have implemented cultural and structural change processes and learned from first hand experience the need for good support during this journey. We offer to accompany your teams on this process with a complete package that will ensure that this journey will be life changing and enhancing for all.

→ Contact us to arrange a 30 minute call to see how we can best support your change management journey